blunder out

英 [ˈblʌndə(r) aʊt] 美 [ˈblʌndər aʊt]



  1. The university did not realise the blunder until it was pointed out by student website The Plymouth Tab. It is unclear how many students could have been helped by the sign.
  2. One office worker, who did not wish to be named, said he became aware of the blunder in Tottenham Court Road when he went to get cash out at lunchtime yesterday.
  3. I am a very matter-of-fact, plain-spoken being, and may blunder on the borders of a repartee for half an hour together without striking it out.
  4. As a result of some kind of reason, the person that Ceng Zaizhu becomes the venture capital investment of the add fuel to the fire on the problem of this one blunder walked out of predicament early;
  5. A year ago, I was waiting at a stoplight on a Taipei street corner one day when suddenly I saw a little boy blunder out into the road, oblivious to the red light.



  1. utter impulsively
    1. He blurted out the secret
    2. He blundered his stupid ideas

    Synonym:    blurt outblurtblunderejaculate